We observe your instructors and prepare a detailed analysis of their teaching techniques

An HPA Consultant will observe designated instructors teach segments of actual classes over a pre-planned series of days. Instructors will be analyzed in accordance with “best practice” criterion, including:

  • Administration and organization
  • Icebreaking and motivational activities
  • Utilization of accepted principles of adult learning
  • Application of appropriate instructional strategies
  • Type and frequency of interactions
  • Audiovisual and teaching aid usage
  • Classroom control and handling disruptive situations
  • Lab facilitation (if applicable)
  • Subject-matter mastery
  • Responding to questions
  • Lesson planning and keeping the class “on track”
  • Presentation skills


A detailed report of specific observations and recommendations will be prepared by the HPA consultant, followed by a conference to discuss the findings. If necessary or desirable, HPA can customize an instructor development plan that specifically addresses deficiencies and/or areas for improvement.


Call us for a copy of our Instructor Observation Form or for references of organizations we have already helped.


As an alternative to on-site observation, send us a 15-20 minute video of an instructor teaching and we will provide analysis.